Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Reveal: case study blog task💕

Media language

1) How many of the 12 magazine cover key conventions feature on this edition of Reveal? List them with specific reference to the convention on the CSP edition of Reveal.

Title of Publication- The title is mainly covered by the central image which suggests that the main focus is on the articles rather than the title.
Central Image- The central image is of two reality stars and their separate images have been photoshopped together. 
Cover line-The magazine is bordered by cover lines and the cover is crowded with them.
Colour schemes- Red, yellow and pink-bright colours to attract immediate attention
Name checks-Mentions stars in every cover line in order to use celebrities' star power to attract readers but only uses first names so it makes it seem like the reader is familiar/friends with these people.
Language-Uses slang and quick snappy headlines to seem more modern and "friendly"/ relatable.
Bar code/date/price- Includes price which suggests that the low price is a dominant reason in why people buy this magazine.

2) What is the font choice used on the cover and what does this choice connote? 

The magazine uses san serif to seem more laid back and modern.It makes them stand out from other serious traditional magazines

3) How do the cover lines appeal to the Reveal target audience?

The cover lines appeal to the the lower class strugglers who want instant gratification from controversial articles with interesting story lines.

4) What are the connotations of the Reveal colour scheme on this particular front cover?

The eye catching colours such as red , yellow blue , green suggests to the readers that this magazine is full of happy, bright interesting stories.The use of bright colours may suggest that this magazine is bursting with new hot topics and stories.

5) How are images used to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. (E.g. mise-en-scene such as props, costume and make-up, body position, facial expression).

The outfits worn are more on the casual side and laid back and not expensive. This is super effect as it make the readers think that the celebrities represented are as normal as they are . ALSO the pictures are taken in ordinary places which reinforces how the magazine would want the readers to feel as if they are ordinary people. 

6) What differences can you find between the use of design and typography between Tatler and Reveal? List at least three and explain the effect on audiences.

Tatler uses serf to be more sophisticated to appeal to upper class women whereas Reveal uses sans serif which is more common and modern which could imply that they try to attract more middle class/lower class.
Photos-Tatler has only one image which is from a professional photo shoot but Reveal is covered in overlapping photos from the paparazzi which suggest that Tatler has access to celebrities and can afford to have professional pictures while Reveal relies on free/cheap unprofessional photos.
Cover lines-Tatler has several cover lines though as the focus is on the cover model, they aren't noticeable but on Reveal, the cover lines are large and colourful and the reader is bombarded with different stories.


1) What type of celebrities appear on the front cover? How are they represented in Reveal? (Positive? Negative? Reinforcing or challenging stereotypes?)

Beyonce appears on the front of the magazine as the only black female which is positive and negative , negative as shes the only coloured celeb on the cover but its positive because it reinforces motherhood as shes pregnant and portrays you can be beautiful and pregnant.

2) How are women represented on the cover of Reveal? Think about both images and cover lines here.

 Women are represented on the reveal cover as they talk about motherhood one of the cover lines are "becomes a VERY posh mum" also they talk about skincare and sterotypically females care about self care and skincare more than men would

3) How do Reveal and Tatler represent social class? (E.g. middle/upper class and working class)

Reveal represent working class more as they focus on gossip and their target audience is mainstream whereas Tatler is more of an upperclass as they focus on fashion and beauty and their more of a niche.

4) What would be the preferred and oppositional readings to this cover of Reveal?

The preferred reading would be that this magazine is packed with interesting stories that will bring the reader closer to the celebrity and they will gain exclusive insight into the lives of celebrities. The oppositional reading is that the paparazzi photos suggest that because the photos haven't been authorised, the information in the magazine hasn't been confirmed either, nor is it credible. Additionally, by fitting in so many stories, they will be brief and not detailed.

Social and cultural context

1) What aspects of British life are reflected in Reveal? How does this compare to Tatler? 

2) What do the cover lines in Reveal suggest about the issues and lifestyle of Reveal readers?

3) Find three other front covers for Reveal. What issues or features regularly appear in Reveal? 

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