Saturday, 6 February 2021

Newspapers: The Times - Language and Audience💕


1) What is the main readership demographic for The Times newspaper? 

37% = 65+
83% = 35+
ABC1 Social Class

2) What aspects of the front page of the Times CSP edition suggest that their readers are likely to be more educated and interested in hard news rather than entertainment?
On the Times there are a lot less images and mainly stories and news articles. The articles mainly contain hard news such as politics and the royal family. Therefore, this suggests the newspaper targets mainly educated people because they understand these issues and generally read them more.

3) Times readers are mostly over 55 years old. Why is this and how is this reflected by the new stories and kickers in the CSP pages we have studied?  
Most of the times consumers are over 55 years old because the older generation are used to doing things the old fashioned way and not having technology and the media to tell them news.Generally the older generation understand tax and economy more comfortably which reflect the news articles. 

4) What is the main audience pleasure offered by the Times? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory.
Surveillance is offered by the Times because it informs readers of the economy, government and royal family.

5) Why might a reader enjoy this CSP edition of the Times? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory categories and write as detailed an analysis as you can.
Readers may enjoy this CSP edition of the Times because it contains a lot of hard news about the royal family, who are real celebrities and may be inspirations to others. In addition , they might read this CSP edition of the times because its content is aimed at conservative supporter.

1) What is the main story on the front cover of the Times CSP edition (26 April 2019) and why does it appeal to Times readers?
The main story on the front cover is 'Fee-paying schools save the taxpayer £20 million'. This appeals to Times readers because the audience of the Times are mainly higher class, so they are more likely to send their children to a good private school which could cost more than a public school. Accordingly , this article helps many parents to save money but still give their child a worthy education.

2) List the other news stories and kickers on the front page of the Times CSP edition. Why do you think the Times selected these for the front page?
Hard news - "Calls for criminal...':
Entertainment - "Know your Thor from your Iron Man - Marvel beginners guide"
Relaxation - Sleep well-...'

3) What are the main stories on the inside pages of the Times CSP edition and how are they constructed to appeal to Times readers? 
Awareness and knowledge - Sr-Lanka tourist...':
Hard news and Conservative valves - 'How death of grandmother put fear on Henry VII'

4) Which of Galtung and Ruge's News Values apply to the Times's front page stories? Write about both the main story on private schools and the government leak enquiry. 
Personalisation because many parents have children who attend private schools.
Elite Nations because the government helps control the country.
Familiarity because private schools are very popular in Britain as people here tend to be more wealthy and prestige 

5) What does a close analysis of the news stories in the Times CSP edition suggest about the Times's political beliefs?

A close analysis suggests the Times's political beliefs are: conservative, bias and of higher/upper class. 

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